Eyes that open and close as they should, and if any shine marks they are hard to see and minimal she almost has that new feel to her so not sure how her limbs became so floppy. Molly Pleasant Company is also beautiful.... She has the softer vinyl..
Full Hair that isn't as dry as some that I have seen... Eyes open and shut as they should, her main problem is her crotch was sewn where I assume it has come apart at the seam. Her limbs hold a pose, but are not totally tight. I don't see any dye transfer marks on her. Kirsten Pleasant Company - Floppy Limbs and Dry Hair... Eyes open and close as they should... JLY American Girl - not sure of the number. Main Flaw on her is she needs a new eye. Lashes are missing and it won't open all the way. Other then that she is in great shape...She has pierced ears and someone put a lot of time into braiding her hair.. Possibly done at the AG store? I really don't see any obvious shine marks on these dolls and all of them have clean cloth bodies. Thanks so much for your interest!